Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paris je t'aime !

After more then 4 months spent in Buenos Aires and travelling around in Argentina and Uruguay, we're back home to enjoy the European summer. Paris welcomed us last Saturday the 24th with sun and 24°C ! Since then we do enjoy a fantastic weather and spend all our days riding our city with our Vespa. We found the city more beautiful and romantic then ever and we'de like to share some of those moments and places with you in the next couple of days. Starting with "Le Jardin du Luxembourg" and our preferred market to buy food.

The market is situated on the Avenue du président Wilson ( crossing rue Freycinet ) and  is held every Wednesday and Saturday morning. Go there very early to get the freshest stuff, around 8/9 am. Go there around 12Pm for the best bargains. At the very bottom of the Market you will find "Chez Lorenzo". Excellent fish. Very reasonable prices. Those days the "Saint Pierre" is spectacular ! The "Salmon label rouge" as well.

Going up mid way on the same side as "Lorenzo" you will find the best "cremerie" and wide selection of cheese. Those days "reblochon" and "Saint-Nectaire" are just perfect.

 Climbing up a bit on the opposite side, you will find potatoes, potatoes, potatoes ! And in season ( August to November ) the best mushrooms of the market. My favorites are of course the famous "Funghi porcini" which we call "cèpes" in French.

More parisian places soon, so stay tuned and feel free to ask for help or advices at should you visit Paris.


Vla said...

I would like to see you riding the Vespa, post a pict, please!

Carolina said...

di-viiiiii-no !
los cerezos en flor son un poema ...